Briefly, my proposal is build a platform to share tex templates trough git repositories. These repositories must follow a specific structure to be interpreted by the tool. And the template may have variables to facilitate for the final user.
The platform will have a command line interface, same as vagrant (vagrant init, up, add, etc...) and a web system that allows the user to see all the registered templates.
This project could join the GSoC with texinfo?
Per Bothner <
address@hidden> escreveu no dia quarta, 2/03/2016 às 14:22:
Texinfo community: Does anyone have other ideas for a texinfo-related Google Summer of Code project?
On 03/01/2016 07:48 PM, Matheus Souza Fernandes wrote:
> I'm brazilian software engineering student. The texinfo is accepting new ideas for the GSoC this year? If yes, where I can publish my proposal?
Students (and community members) are welcome to suggest other ideas for
projects, in addition to the (currently) one listed on the project ideas page:
An idea has to have a concrete plan, be doable in a Summer, and be useful to
the texinfo project. Plus somebody needs to be willing to mentor the project.
Historically, each GNU project has gotten one or two students, with a single
student being the most common.
--Per Bothner