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Re: crop marks?

From: arnold
Subject: Re: crop marks?
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2018 07:01:11 -0700
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.4 7/29/08

Gavin Smith <address@hidden> wrote:

> @afourpaper is in the same class of commands as @smallbook itself. So in
> theory @cropmarks could be used with @afivepaper and then you would want a way
> to say whether it is being printed on A4 paper or letter size paper or
> whatever.

Ah, I see what you mean. Something like:

        @printingonletter @c or @printingona4

> Clearly it's not a feature that anybody uses.  Can we just remove the feature
> and revisit it if somebody is actually going to use it for printing a book?

I asked about it exactly because I am thinking about self-publishing a book
and using @smallbook for it ...

OTOH, I don't want to overburden you for a feature that truly is
rarely used.

You're the maintainer, so your call. If you choose to kill the
feature now I'll let you know when I get close to being ready
to print.



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