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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH 0/3][5] More chicken-5 module work

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH 0/3][5] More chicken-5 module work
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2016 00:03:22 +1200

Hi folks,

Here are some library reorganization patches for chicken-5.

The first creates a "chicken.memory" module per the "ICC minutes" on the
reorg page[1]. I only moved the procedures that were "Decided", so there
are still a bunch left in lolevel that need a home. Those are:

   block-ref block-set! extend-procedure extended-procedure?
   make-record-instance mutate-procedure! number-of-bytes
   number-of-slots object-become! object-copy procedure-data
   record->vector record-instance-length record-instance-slot
   record-instance-slot-set! record-instance-type record-instance?
   set-procedure-data! vector-like?

As you can see, it's bit of a grab bag. I welcome any and all
taxonomical suggestions.

The second patch creates "chicken.errno". Pretty simple, that one.

The last patch removes `group-information` from the posix unit, as well
as the procedures that deal with supplementary process groups, all of
which I've moved to an egg that's ready to be tagged. I've tentatively
called the egg "posix-groups", but I'd love it if someone thought of a
better name; it contains, rougly, getgrnam(3), getgroups(3),
setgroups(3) and initgroups(3). A nice side effect of this removal is
that we can drop quite a few ifdefs that check for <grp.h> availabily,
since nothing else needs it.

That's all for now. Let me know if anything looks off.



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