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small patches for BigInteger, BigDecimal, Double

From: J. Russell Smyth
Subject: small patches for BigInteger, BigDecimal, Double
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 00:58:12 -0700

I ran acrossed a few small problems with BigInteger, BigDecimal and
Double, and which I have
corrected. Included here
are the changes. These will need to be applied by hand!

java.math.BigInteger - the incrementing of the index happened at the
wrong place causing index out of bounds problems

   static String forEachDigit(String str, int radix) {
     char buf[] = new char[str.length()];
     int i = 0;
     if (str.charAt(0) == '-')
       buf[i++] = '-';

-    while (i < buf.length)
-      if ((buf[i++] =
+ for(;i<buf.length;i++)
+      if ((buf[i] =
            Character.forDigit(Character.digit(str.charAt(i), radix),
    == '\u0000')
  throw new NumberFormatException(str + " not valid in radix " + radix);

     return new String(buf);

java.math.BigDecimal - string ctor did not understand exponents

   public BigDecimal (String num) throws NumberFormatException
   String exponent;
   int scaleAdj = 0;
   int epos = num.indexOf('E');
   if(epos == -1){
    epos = num.indexOf('e');
   if(epos != -1){
     // Skip '+' in exponent
     exponent = num.substring(epos+2);
     exponent = num.substring(epos+1);
    scaleAdj = Integer.parseInt(exponent);
    // Strip exponent
    num = num.substring(0,epos);
   int point = num.indexOf('.');
   scale = num.length() - (point == -1 ? num.length () : point + 1) -
  StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer(point == -1 ? num : num.substring
(0, point) + num.substring (point + 1));
  // correct for negative scale as per BigDecimal javadoc
      this.intVal = new BigInteger (val.toString());

gnu/java/io/decode/DecoderEightBitLookup.javav - convertToChar wouldnt
work with ascii values above 128 due to byte-char conversion

public char[]
convertToChars(byte[] buf, int buf_offset, int len, char[] cbuf,
               int cbuf_offset)

  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
-   cbuf[cbuf_offset + i] = lookup_table[buf[buf_offset + i]];
+   cbuf[cbuf_offset + i]



java.lang.Double - native code toString method rounded much to much (ie,
to nearest multiple of 10!)

in native/java.lang/Double.c, Java_java_lang_Double_toString the sprintf
line needs to be changed
(includes a fix mentioned by John Luner earlier)
    sprintf((char*)&buf, "%G", d);
    sprintf(buf, "%.17G", d);

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