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classpath-0.03 and Jaos

From: reali
Subject: classpath-0.03 and Jaos
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:32:06 +0100 (MET)


I want to congratulate the classpath developers for
the tremendous effort of the last weeks. It's great
and rare to see so much entusiasm and great results.

I donwloaded the classpath-0.03 release and compiled it
for the Jaos VM. Everything went fine, I only had a
problem with the archive, which I had to
generate by hand.

I ran all my test and could find no problem; the 
"compress" and "db" Spec benchmarks ran as usual.
Nothing broken :-)

I made a first release of Jaos under BSD-like licence
on friday (but with an older version of classpath).
This release is in a quite raw state. A new one with the
newest classpath will follow soon.
We are also going to release the underlying kernel
(first beta) next week.

And now the build details:

* built on a machine with SuSE 7.1 and jikes 1.12 8/1/2000

* had to install the latest automake, the one in the distro
was too old (the SuSE 7.3 has the newest one already)
* I don't use GTK, GLIB, and LIBART, so I remove them from the configuration
/dnl Check for AWT related glib

* my is modified (I added my own properties in

* my is modified to load the configuration from
a file instead of a class (this is a bootstrapping problem that
should be removed soon)

* ./configure --prefix=`pwd` --with-jikes --disable-load-library --disable-jni 

* make

* lib/ was not created automatically. I tried to "make",
but to no use. Apparently my $(ZIP) is not set. So I run the command by hand.

Patrik Reali, address@hidden

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