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Re: mauve results posted nightly

From: Stephen Crawley
Subject: Re: mauve results posted nightly
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 13:42:51 +1000

> Mark Wielaard <address@hidden> writes:

> What is this about?
> Kissme Panic: Class java/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet 0x8203248
>   ((nil)) loaded twice
> Attempting to dump core
> Aborted
> Think it happens when trying to use gnu getopt.

What has happened is that the VM has detected that it has accidentally
loaded the same class twice with the same class loader.

This is probably how it happened.  Loading Collections$SynchronizedSet
has triggered loading of another class Y, and Y's static initialisation
code has tried to use something in Collections$SynchronizedSet.  This
has caused the class loader to "FindOrLoad" Collections$SynchronizedSet
a second time, and the initialisation has run.  Finally, the class
loader call that originally tried to load Collections$SynchronizedSet
notices that the copy of the class the CPList is not the one it loaded,
and panics.

This is a manifestation of the class loading problems that John Leuner
mentioned in his last email before he went on holiday. I believe that
the root cause is that kissme is incorrectly trying to combine linking
and initialisation into one pass.  But I don't really understand that
part of the code base.

-- Steve

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