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Re: CONS specs update?

From: Dominique Dumont
Subject: Re: CONS specs update?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:45:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

"H. S. Teoh" <address@hidden> writes:

> I'm not sure how to generalize this, but there might be a way to
> specify that xyz.c must be re-scanned every time it's re-generated,
> and there may be more than one scanner (e.g., if P1, P2, P3 must be
> run, in that sequence, on the file to transform it to the desired
> output).

What if P1 or P2 fails and leaves a corrupted file ? 

How Cons can deal with this failure when the user re-runs the build
command ?

> (I realize that allowing self-references could potentially require
> pathological code which may be a pain to test; this is why I suggested
> that we should treat every step as having distinct input/output. It
> does make things a lot easier to implement, and less prone to
> pathological hard-to-debug cases.)

Agreed. Reviving cons will be hard enough without considering
self-reference in the dependancy graph.

So I'd suggest to first have a new cons without the current drawback
then _consider_ fancy features.

Dominique Dumont 
"Delivering successful solutions requires giving people what they
need, not what they want." Kurt Bittner

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