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Re: shared library again

From: francois reygagne
Subject: Re: shared library again
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 21:24:51 +0200

José Manuel Rodríguez García wrote:

> Hello:
>     I am in trouble still with the shared library. I compile the code
> with -g option and I build a shared library. When I trying to trace the
> code of the shared library I cannot see it. If I do it with -static
> option I am not problem. Can anybody help me?
> Thanks in advance. (I apologize for my English)

Do you use gdb with ddd ?
If yes, Did you use the the directive dir into .gdbinit file to tell gdb
where to search for the
sources to display.  Create your  .gdbinit file under your  user home
directory and
notify where your shared library sources are located, i.e. the absolute
pathname where you find

dir <your shared library source path directory>
dir <another source path directory>

Ihope it could help.

François REYGAGNE. Software Architect.
opt[e]way S.A., 2881 route des Crêtes, BP308
06906 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, FRANCE
tél: +33 (0)4 92 95 27 01    http://www.opteway.com

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