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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Mblocks

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Mblocks
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:17:18 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/21.4 (berkeley-unix)

"EVENNOU Frederic RD-TECH-GRE" <address@hidden>

> I  am currently developping a cognitive radio demonstration system under
> the GNU Radio Platform and I am particularly interested in the mblocks
> extension proposed by the ADROIT Project. Reading the available
> documentation and looking to the source code, I realized that the
> extension is still a work in progress and I would like to know if
> mblocks are already available as a base class for deriving my own signal
> processing blocks.

The code that is there is there and you're welcome to start hacking,
but you'd be the first user - there aren't examples already in the
tree, which is a sign that this won't (yet) be that easy.

> Inspecting the mblock directory, I've noticed that
> there are no .i files nor .py so the extension seems unavailable as a
> Python module. Consequently, I would like to ask you some questions: 
>  - Is the current mblock directory exploitable and bug proof?

Certainly not - and probably the rest of the code isn't.  I'm not sure
what you're really getting at.  Most of GNU Radio seems to run pretty
reliably, but your using 'proof' makes me wonder about your

>  - May I use it as a base class for deriving my own signal processing
> blocks?

You may, but you will surely have to dig in and really understand
what's going on, and supply some missing pieces.

>  - If I create an interface file for the mblock extension and if I
> generate all other files (.so, .py, .o ...), will I be able to interface
> my own module with Python?

Yes, but be warned that this is likely considerable work.

Sorry if I'm sounding like I'm just telling you that you need to read
and understand all the code that's already present, and that sure you
can do all of it but it's a lot of work, but that's how I see it.
Contributions of code are always welcome (FSF assignment required as
for all GNU projects).

> For your information, this project is part of a PhD thesis at France
> Telecom R&D (French telecommunications company) focusing on integrating
> cognitive mechanisms into radios.
> Thank you in advance for your answer (and for the work done with this
> extension, particularly attractive for cognitive applications).  

Perhaps Eric can give a status report on what's done and what's left
to be done for m-blocks.

    Greg Troxel <address@hidden>

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