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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Top block trash not cleaning up where it used to.

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Top block trash not cleaning up where it used to. File sink not writing in some instances.
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 19:04:28 +0100
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Hi Miguel,

sorry to hear you have a hard time... :(

On 08.01.2014 18:44, Miguel Duarte wrote:
> Marcus Muller: It.. kind of worked, in relation to the file sink
> writing. Worked in some cases but not in most (!?), it seemed up to
> chance really. I don't know what to think of it.
:/ Me neither;

> Martin Braun: That solution didn't work, at least in my case.
> Thanks for the advice though.
I guess GNU Radio needs more SWIG experts, and someone who knows who
to coerce python to just do what I tell you...
> I've tried everything, and I'm feeling really dumb for not managing
> to make it work. I've switched to a more practical method, using
> lock() and unlock().
Don't feel dumb.
> But even destroying all blocks (including the file sink block) and 
> constructing them again, it doesn't work. Also, I've switched order
> and it always works for the first time. There's something I'm
> missing. (The only blocks I'm not destroying are the USRP blocks
> now, but I don't think that could be it, even if the USRP was
> giving out weird data it would write it to file.) The thing is,
> since I'm not using any wxgui blocks right now and I never intended
> to, I don't even know how I'm supposed to debug and check if
> there's anything reaching the file sink.
Ok, I know this is not incredibly helpful if you're dealing with very
much samples, but maybe try this:
- - replace file_sink by vector_sink_X
- - at the end of your flowgraph run, get a numpy.array(vector_sink.data())
- - using the numpy arrays .tofile() method, save it to a file
> Can I extract and print in python the info going through a certain
> block, or something like that? Or do I have to delve into C++
> territory?
Can be done in python.
Just write a python block that a) copies the input to the output and
b) prints nitems_read() or something of the like.

Hope I could alleviate your situation a little,

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