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[Discuss-gnuradio] Write I/Q to WAV file.

From: Jordan Johnson
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Write I/Q to WAV file.
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:24:20 +0000

Well it indeed appears to be my graph. Tried using a simple graph.

Signal Source (32k) > Complex - Float > WAV

Dream decoded it, SDR# read it, and it was fine. 
My graph of interest must have a sample-rate no lower than 360k. It appears to be recording something, but its almost as if it is recording the samples too quickly? 

Here is a screenshot of the graph if it helps any. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-aSbYCHxTFFk/Uub13Q-yoVI/AAAAAAAAqng/i3lBhqzp4TE/w915-h477-no/Screenshot+-+01272014+-+04%253A11%253A38+PM.png

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