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Signal Capture and Playback Noise

From: nickrestivo
Subject: Signal Capture and Playback Noise
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 14:30:18 -0800

Hi GNU Radio users,


I am experiencing some interesting noise captured on a signal analyzer when trying to playback a captured signal using an Ettus B200 with both GNU Radio blocks and UHD example code. The UHD example code I am using is:

  • “rx_samples_to_file --rate 5000000 --freq 500000000” for capture
  • “tx_samples_from_file --rate 5000000 --freq 500000000 --file /home/path/usrp_samples.dat --gain 30” for playback

The GNU Radio blocks I am using are simply a USRP Source into File Sink for capture and a File Source into USRP Sink for playback (both programs operating at a 10M sample rate).


The signal I am capturing is a 500MHz pure sine wave fed directly out of a signal generator into the TX/RX port of the B200. The playback with noise I am receiving is directly out of the B200 TX/RX port into a signal analyzer and is pictured here:



Is this peak 1kHz from the carrier expected? Could this be the LO or some other noise on the board leaking through due to a lack of filtering? Is this re-creatable on other hardware? I can send the captured data if there isn’t an obvious answer to why there is a signal at 499.999MHz.


Another piece to the puzzle I feel like I should mention is that when running “tx_waveforms –rate 10000000 –freq 500000000” and feed it directly into signal analyzer the output is only a peak at 499.999MHz…


Is this offset within tolerance of B200 hardware, or is there a bigger issue happening here?


Thanks in advance for any help,

Nick Restivo


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