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Re: GNURadio Building gr-video-sdl

From: Mitja kocjančič
Subject: Re: GNURadio Building gr-video-sdl
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:22:51 +0200

Hello there, thanks for trying to help

My current GNURadio version is 3.7.14 and I got it as part of PothosSDR: https://downloads.myriadrf.org/builds/PothosSDR/PothosSDR-2020.12.28-vc14-x64.exe

since this was installed as part of PothosSDR I didn't build it from source and I guess during compile time lib_sdl was not present so gr-video-sdl was skipped

I would like to try to avoid to build GNURadio 3.7.14 from source just to include a library, so that's why I tried to pull out this library and build it separatly but I failed to do that

Now since Pothos swiched to GNURadio 3.9 (at the time of swiching a lot of OOT modules were still not ported to GNURadio 3.9, they are now) but something happened and project came to a stop, so I cannot get GNURadio 3.9 from PothosSDR that would include
 https://github.com/kit-cel/gr-drm (hmm is this built-in??)
 https://github.com/BogdanDIA/gr-dvbt (if reading this correctly, it built in now under gr-dtv)
 https://github.com/drmpeg/gr-dvbs2 (most build-in this works with 3.9)
https://github.com/rftap/gr-rftap (this one I would need to port to 3.9)

I am using Windows 7 which complicates things further (python3.9 can be installed there: (even latest 3.9, you just copy the dll to its folder) but not sure how would this hakcs play with gnuradio 3.9

So what I can try to do but would like to avoid is to install latest PothosSDR without all this modules and then try to install them separatly to get them back or get another gnuradio distribution that would include this modules

But easier thing for now it seems to just make gr-video-sdl work with my gnuradio install then to try to fiddle with 3.9 (which I will have to do once, because LEDS and selector block are realy tempting things to have)

For now what I would like to do is add gr-video-sdl to my existing gnuradio without needing to build the whole gnuradio from source again

V V ned., 27. mar. 2022 ob 21:02 je oseba Marcus Müller <mmueller@gnuradio.org> napisala:
Hi Mitja,

there's more going on here, gr-video-sdl has been part of GNU Radio for a long, long time.
Since at least GNU Radio 3.3, in fact; some 15, 16 years.

So, your version of 3.7 would definitely also include it, and you should not try to
backport a more modern version to it.

So, we need to solve your actual problem than you trying to backport gr-video-sdl from
3.7.14 to a different version of GNU Radio.

So, what *is* your current version of GNU Radio, where does it come from, why does it not
contain gr-video-sdl?

Note that as maintainers, we'll have a really hard time helping you with GNU Radio 3.7;
it's end-of-life, so most of us aren't even trying to build it on our machines.

You also seem to be mixing PothosSDR stuff with GNU Radio includes, and I don't know
whether that is just meaningless paths or whether you're actually confusinge something?

Best regards,

PS: Others might have told you that already, but it might really be worth pointing out
that living in the 3.7 world might be increasingly hard, and we're sorry about that, but
it's just technologically mostly obsolescence why we're not able to support it anymore.
Instead of sticking to 3.7 due to "some legacy blocks" it might be worth to forward-port
these missing blocks to GNU Radio 3.10 or 3.9, and work with a modern version of GNU Radio
– honestly, GNU Radio has gotten *a lot* better to install under practically all operating
systems in later versions.

On 27.03.22 17:32, Mitja kocjančič wrote:
> Hello there, for few reasons I am still using GNURadio 3.7 which doesn't come buindled
> with gr-video-sdl (at least the installation I am using doesn't) (I know 3.9 comes with it
> but right now I have some legacy blocks that are not uvailable for 3.9 so I am stuck using
> 3.7)
> So I tried building gr-video-sdl separatly, and then installing it into existing gnuradio
> distribution like this:
> 1. Downloaded GNURadio 3.7.10:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/releases/download/v3.7.14.0/gnuradio-
> <https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/releases/download/v3.7.14.0/gnuradio->
>      * extraxted gr-video-sdl
> 2. Installed SDL1.2 from here:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20191227232250if_/http://libsdl.org/release/SDL-devel-1.2.15-VC.zip
> <http://web.archive.org/web/20191227232250if_/http://libsdl.org/release/SDL-devel-1.2.15-VC.zip>
> (since gr-video-sdl uses SDL1.2 not SDL2 I assume)
> 3. trying to cmake like this: cmake ../ -DSDL_LIBRARY="C:\Program
> Files\PothosSDR\libsdl\lib\x64" -DSDL_INCLUDE_DIR="C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\libsdl\include"
> I copied sdl include and lib files to this place
> but I get some errors: https://pastebin.com/1RjmG1zj <https://pastebin.com/1RjmG1zj>
> It aphears GrBoost and GrComponent are missing and there is some unknown command: Unknown
> Now I think GrBoost is boost but I am not sure, cmake doesn't tell me that Boost is
> missing, but what is GrComponent (what include and lib prefix do I need to set to include
> this?)
> Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards

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