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Re: Streaming int16 samples from usb device to gnu radio

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: Streaming int16 samples from usb device to gnu radio
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 14:14:23 +0200
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GNU Radio integrates gr-soapy these days.

SoapySDR is an abstraction layer for different kind of sampling devices (typically, but not inherently limited to, SDRs).

All you'd need to do is write a SoapySDR driver plugin for your device, and then you could use it through gr-soapy in GNU Radio (or any other software with a Soapy backend).

Alternatively, as Franco suggested, you could write your own GNU Radio block that interfaces with your hardware. That's typically a bit harder to get right on the first try if your hardware is able to offer additional functionality like gain setting or frequency tuning, but might still be desirable.

Best regards,

On 03/06/2022 12.30, Ruslan Migirov wrote:
I would like something like audio card source block to stream integers directly from ADC , but with high sample rates.
Can you give me some thoughts how i can implement it?

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