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Re: GNUstep equivalent to the "open" tool.

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: GNUstep equivalent to the "open" tool.
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 00:34:34 +0200 (CEST)

> From: strobe anarkhos <anarkhos@mac.com>
> By  the way,  in OS  X  the open  command will  do different  things
> depending on  runtime conditions. If  a specific app or  document is
> already open it will be brought  to the foreground. If I want to run
> two copies of an application I have to do make a copy of the app and
> 'open' both.  'open' somehow knows  when a file  is being used  by a
> specific user. Of course you can open a document in two applications
> at the same time by specifying the apps explicitly.

Really? With  MacOSX, you  _have_ to duplicate  the application  as on
MacOS to launch it twice? 

I would  be surprised of such  a regression, given that  on NeXTSTEP /
OPENSTEP, all you had to do to launch a new process for an application
was to alt-doubleclick it.

'open' does not  know anything but to ask  the right application (thru
DO  to  NSWorkspace)  to  open   the  document.  Most  often,  if  the
application    has   already   this    document   open,    it   merely
makeKeyAndOrderFront: its window.

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