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Re: Seeking Advice for GNUstep Distribution

From: cehardin
Subject: Re: Seeking Advice for GNUstep Distribution
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:40:45 -1000

Thanks for the reply,

So you're saying DPS system is not used by the vast majority of apps? I see.

The distro is not based on anybody else's, but I have gotten a lot of great advice from the people at www.linuxfromscratch.org and Dennis Leeuw.



On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 06:56  AM, Dirk Theisen wrote:


I'd like to survey you all.  What is the best route to go for the GUI
backend:  DGS or X11?

X11. I'd like to see something completely new with X11 backward=20
compatibility, but that may be just me.=20

I do not really care about full DGS and most apps don't. Simply use=20
loops of the simpler ps functions and be done. Mac OS X can live with=20
out it. So can I.=20

BTW: Looking forward to your distro. On which distro is it based?



Dirk Theisen <d.theisen@objectpark.de>

University of Bonn, Institute of Computer Science III
Römerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn (Germany)
Tel. +4922873-4504 (Fax: -4382)

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