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Re: key masks

From: Martin Brecher
Subject: Re: key masks
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 22:13:31 +0100

On 2002-02-05 19:59:54 +0100 Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf <Lars.Sonchocky-Helldorf@bbdo-interone.de> wrote:

>The problem is that nextstep/openstep mandates three basic modifiers -
>Control, Alternate, Command.
>but on a PC keyboard, there is no Command key, so we have to usurpate
>other PC key and bound it to Command :-)

What about the "Windows" Key?

Seems a good idea... but what about those who luckily managed to stay entirely windoze key free?

The ALT key as Command is OK, as shortcuts are reached very fast (inded faster than using control). What about having the Alternate modifier activated when the user presses ALT and Control simultaneously (for those of us who don't have windoze keys)?

.. just a quick idea.

- Martin

Greetings, Lars

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