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Re: speed of Obj-C vs. C++(slightly OT)

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: speed of Obj-C vs. C++(slightly OT)
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 17:15:51 +0100

On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 04:16  pm, Martin Häcker wrote:
You could either use a C-Package for the heavy work, or you could do the backend in C++ and the frontend in Cocoa on OS X.

Though that makes it impossible to port it to GnuStep the advantage would be that you get the best of both worlds (C++ computation/Obj-C fast and maintainable gui building)

Sounds like you are propogating the myth that C++ is faster than ObjC ... Where like is compared with like, that's not the case, and in my experience
ObjC is faster because it's simpler and you can therefore devote more
time to good design and optimisation.

However, I agree that using an existing C library for numerical work
makes sense.  Using a C++ library would involve more work since the
library would need wrapping in plain C to be used from ObjC as
Objective-C++ is not yet available in the GNU compiler (ie for GNUstep).

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