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Re: GWorkspace as windowmanager?

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: Re: GWorkspace as windowmanager?
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 21:19:42 +0300

On 2004-06-12 18:33:14 +0300 Enrico Sersale <enrico@imago.ro> wrote:

On 2004-06-12 18:10:27 +0300 Enrico Sersale <enrico@imago.ro> wrote:

On 2004-06-12 15:03:49 +0300 Enrico Sersale <enrico@imago.ro> wrote:

On 2004-06-12 14:05:37 +0300 Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> wrote:


Is there a way to have a NSWindow which _windowNum is 0, that is, the X root
In XGServerWindow we have a -_rootWindowForScreen: method returning a
gswindow_device_t structure that represents the root window; it is used in
-window::: to set the root window for all the new windows.
I've tried to subclass NSWindow to override -_initBackendWindow: and then add
something in XGServerWindow to setup all the stuff, but I can't because
-_initBackendWindow: accesses windowmaps, a class variable of NSWindow.

If you find the answer to this, please let me know as well. InnerSpace.app, the screensaver in my GAP project, needs to have a window which sits at this
level as well.

Only a idea...

If a window is deferred, NSWindow calls -_initBackendWindow: only in -orderWindow:relativeTo:. NSDesktopWindowLevel is a GNUstep addition, so, the case of a window that is deferred *and* which level is NSDesktopWindowLevel could be used to identify the root window. In this case NSWindow, instead of -_initBackendWindow:, could use a other method, say "-_initRootBackendWindow:", that, throught a appropiate method in GSDisplayServer (instead of -window:::, -rootwindow:::, for example), let the backend class setup the window. (The backend part should be easy to write, I think).

This seems to work, but I'm getting a "Desktop[9837] X-Windows error - BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)" in the new backend method. I'm doing something wrong with some X function. Could somebody a little more expert in X take a look at this? Gregory?

The problem is here:

  XSelectInput(dpy, window->ident, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask |
                                KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask |
                             ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask |
                           StructureNotifyMask | PointerMotionMask |
                               EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
                               FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask |
                            ColormapChangeMask | KeymapStateMask |

Anyway, I can confirm that this works; I'm adding NSViews in the root window and drawing in them. The only thing that doesn't work are the events.

Excuse me. This is the third time I reply to my mail :-)

It seems that there are some restrictions in setting the event-mask in 
XSelectInput(); I never used XLib and I didn't know this. I can't get mouse and 
key events beacause the window manager has already selected them.

Is there any way to go around this?

All the other things work perfectly, the Desktop.app window is now the real X 
root window (windowNumber = 0); and this only with four lines added in 
NSWindow.m, a little method in GSDisplayServer and the rest in XGServerWindow.
I think that it would be a pity not make it to work...

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