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Re: Starting GNUstep (Debian)

From: Riccardo
Subject: Re: Starting GNUstep (Debian)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 17:48:56 +0200

This is ridiculous,

On Thursday, September 23, 2004, at 07:45 PM, Alex Perez wrote:

G.I.N.A.D.E. G.I.N.A.D.E. G.I.N.A.D.E. G.I.N.A.D.E. G.I.N.A.D.E.
G N U S T E P   I S   N O T  A  D E S K T O P   E N V I R O N M E N T

Seriously, it's not. There are several projects to *USE* GNUstep in a gnustep-centric development environment, but what you are doing is akin to calling 'kdelibs' a "Desktop Environment". You are comparing apples to oranges, and not even realizing it.

I'm beginning to be really SICK of this.

1. there are people on this mailing that behave like a mix of 7-year old boy and a linux-zealot.

2. Gnustep is a desktop environment and a development environment. Since there is a name confusion, I propsed months ago to call the whole thing


to be able to make a distinction.

But his is a question of naming. And if we can't get over this and just stick around with this "GINADE" crap then I wonder if gnustep will ever go somewhere in the future.


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