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Re: [Q] NSCharacterSet difference between Cocoa and GNUstep?

From: Frederic Stark
Subject: Re: [Q] NSCharacterSet difference between Cocoa and GNUstep?
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 15:47:19 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007

Sungjin Chun wrote:


During testing of XMLRPC framework, I've encountered character set related problem. The test data is simple string of Korean and this works well in Cocoa environment. But in GNUstep, this data, ie., korean string is considered as illegalCharacterSet in NSCharacterSet. From Apple documentation, Cocoa uses Unicode 3.2, but I do not know on GNUstep's case.

Is this because GNUstep uses older data which does not have Korean characterset?

We use korean characters with GNUstep/win32. I don't know any korean, but we use UTF-16 files with property lists containing korean characters, and everything is fine. This is on a US Windows and a French Windows, with korean installed. We had report of this also working on korean windows installation.

Maybe GNUstep does not include the whole korean character set, but it does include some.

We had some problem, thought:

* Some endianess problem (I think), because some part of windows did not support both FF FE and FE FF text files.
* Some UTF-8 problems. Our GNUstep was not built with proper UTF-8 support.
* Some end-line problems (maybe some files were not checked into cvs as binary, hence some extra 0d/0a were inserted, which is a /very/ bad idea in a unicode file). * Some internal code problem. Some UTF8 strings were stored in normal (non-UTF strings). Under Mac OS X, everything looked fine, because Terminal.app is a UTF8 app (we did not realize that if you NSLog a string with the wrong encoding, Terminal.app would make it look correct)



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