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Re: rpm packaging problems

From: Alex Perez
Subject: Re: rpm packaging problems
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 14:54:16 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Riccardo wrote:

in my pursuit of packaging GNUstep for MkLinux, I run into some unexpected problems. I took as reference the spec files distributed from gnustep.org. What essentially happens is that inside the RPM build environment "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" is not set. Dumping an "env" inside the spec after GNUstep.sh was sourced confirms this. Since in MkLinux I need libobjc to build base, configure will wail saying my obj-c is not working.

You need to do a 'make rpm' after having sourced your GNUstep.sh file.

I am using rpm 4.0.

Any ideas ? Someone knows if this is standard behavior and if there are workarounds ?


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