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Re: FOSDEM 2006

From: Sašo Kiselkov
Subject: Re: FOSDEM 2006
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 08:24:37 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.5

Quoting hns@computer.org:

> > attended - no way - but I think we could have done so much more about the
> > GNUstep booth, material, promotion and activity. Next year I'd like to
> > participate more in this part of the process - getting more attention to
> > GNUstep. We really need to show to _every_single_passant_ that we are a
> whole
> > lot different from the KDE/Gnome/Ubuntu/Debian... folks just a few steps
> away.
> > We need to stand out and shine! :-)
> I completely agree!
> Having the classes was great - between 10 and 30 attendees. But what I
> would like to see in addition is an (open) developer's discussion
> session (about targets, timelines, future projects, next FOSDEM plans,
> etc.). Other projects did have this in their agenda and it gives
> prospective users more confidence in a project.
> But what was missing (compared to other projects) was to sell or
> distribute
>   - most recent brochures
>   - CDs with debian and other prebuilt packages, plus recent source
> tree
>   - T-Shirts
>   - Books
>   - screen shots at the pin-board
> The issue of "sell" might be that we are not an official organization
> with a president, treasurer etc. Therefore we also have no money to
> spend for such activities.
> And for "book" we don't have one. Helge suggested to me to write one
> and I have started to create a concept so that we have by next FOSDEM
> some "GNUstep in a nutshell". I would volunteer as the editior and we
> need some authors. Some chapters can be easily based on the slides
> presented during FOSDEM 06. Ideas and volunteers welcome!
> -- hns

Hmm, I don't think a full book would be very good for a start. Perhaps we should
rather start with a slight bit overgrown brochure, like 20-30, perhaps 40 pages.
You know, like the distro manuals - 30 pages total, 4-5 color pages on glossy
paper for nice pictures, harder paper cover, paperback binding. I don't,
however, have any experience at organizing this kind of thing, so the only
contribution I could make is with some contents of the brochure...


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