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Re: GNUstep Apps, iPhone.

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: GNUstep Apps, iPhone.
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:25:33 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

> > It has a new, separate UIKit.framework which appears to be a
> > simplified (???) AppKit.
> Sounds like AppKit can be even lighter without loosing essential  
> functionality.

Well, I would assume that it really looses essential functionality for
a **desktop** system.
My assumptions:
* it is not based on floating point coordinates (ARM has no FPU) -
smooth magnification becomes tricky for arbitrary views
* it is not NIB (GORM) based
* it does not separate NSView and NSCell
* is not optimized to provide layered windows and panels
* has no printer support (PDF, Postscript backend)
* ...

That might also be reasons why Apple can't simply publish an Xcode
plugin and still use IB.

Let's see...


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