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RE: Palettes and libraries.. (was Re: Interface localization ?)

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: RE: Palettes and libraries.. (was Re: Interface localization ?)
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 22:50:04 +0100 (CET)

> Just to make a few things clear.  It's not a matter of "merging" anything 
> from 
> Renaissance into Gorm for dynamic support of resizing or translation.   All 
> that's 
> necessary is to create a palette with GSHbox and GSVbox (which are part of 
> GNUstep gui) 
> and the appropriate editors and inspectors. 

Just a comment - Renaissance has more powerful/advanced boxes than the ones 
in gnustep-gui.  The Renaissance ones are easier and friendlier to use - so you
want to base any palette on the Renaissance ones! ;-)


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