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Re: Cross Compiling for OS X?

From: Blake Nicholson
Subject: Re: Cross Compiling for OS X?
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 22:53:55 -0400

On May 3, 2008, at 7:21 AM, Andreas Höschler wrote:

I first created an XCode project (Cocoa framework or Cocoa application for each of my projects in a temporary directory and copied the generated files into the real project directories. After opening the XCode project, adding the files (classes, resources, frameworks) was simple. The tricky part was to open the "Get Info" panel for the project and the target - this really has to be done in both places - and do the following settings for a framework project:

Deployment Location                                     checked
Installation Build Products Location            /
Installation Directory                                  /Library/Frameworks
Strip Linked Product                                    not checked


Setting identical settings for a project and its targets should not be necessary. I have not specifically set the installation settings you describe (I install from my GNUstep GNUmakefile), but for other settings it is not necessary. What I do is put all of my settings that are common to all targets in the project's settings. By default, targets inherit the settings from the project. If you need to customize the settings for a target (for example for a search path), you can set the first entry to $(inherited) to inherit the settings from the project (if desired), and then add whatever additional entries the target requires beyond what is in the project.

Also, if you have some build settings that you'd like to apply across many projects, you may want to consider build configuration files. Check out the following document from Apple:


I don't know if you've already read through the Xcode User Guide, but two parts of it that you may find useful are:

Build Settings

Build for Release (describes installation)

In the case of your installation settings, I believe you'll want to set those on the Release build configuration of the target associated with the application or framework you wish to install. Some of the settings will already be configured in the Release build configuration.

I hope this is helpful.


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