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Re: Renaissance - LPT_Interface.app - implementing button action

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Renaissance - LPT_Interface.app - implementing button action
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 10:41:44 +0100

Because the button is toggle type I must to write the code so so when
the button has title="1" then the action code must to write logical 1 to
the Data Port bit, but when the button title="0" then it must to write
logical 0 to the bit.

This all is not specific to Renaissance ... it has to do with GNUstep/ OpenStep/Cocoa programming ;-)

Your button has an action, and a target.  For example,

 <button action="togglePort:" target="#NSOwner" />

this means that when the button is clicked, the 'togglePort:' method of your #NSOwner object will be invoked.

So, all you need to do is implement it:

/* (inside the @implementation of the class from which you instantiate the #NSOwner) */
/* Pseudo-code, I haven't tested any of this.  */
- (void) togglePort: (id)sender
  NSString *title = [sender title];

   if ([title isEqualToString: @"1"])
        // "write logical 1 to the data port"
   else if ([title isEqualToString: @"0"])
        // "write logical 0 to the data port"

For more information / worked-out examples, check Renaissance/Examples/ Applications/. Just find an application with some buttons in it, and check how the action/target is implemented/ works. :-)

Is it good to write this code in main.m file?

Also, how can I achieve that that the Error messages appeares in the
label text which id="StatLine"?

You'll need to catch the error message first.

When you want to display the error message, you need to have a way to reference your <label> object from your
code.  To do this, you need to have established a "connection".  So ...

* first of all, make sure your <label> has a unique id that identifies it - so that you can reference it:

<label id="errorMessageLabel">

* then, you need an instance variable in your NSOwner object where you can store a reference to the <label>. To the list
of instance variables of your NSOwner, add

NSTextField *errorMessageLabel;

* then, add a <connector> section at the end of your gsmarkup file which will automatically set the 'errorMessageLabel' instance
variable to point to the <label> object with the same id.  Here it is --

<outlet source="#NSOwner" target="#errorMessageLabel" key="errorMessageLabel" />

For a full example, you can check Renassaince/Examples/Applications/ Finger -- FingerWindowBig.gsmarkup has this #text
element where things get written into. :-)


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