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Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-09-27

From: Michele Bert
Subject: Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-09-27
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 11:19:57 +0100

2013/11/8 Philippe Roussel <p.o.roussel@free.fr>
Ubuntu 12.04 is precise so you can add something like the following
(if on 32 bits) to apt sources.list.

deb http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/precise/i386/ ./

It does not exist. Directory listing of http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages gives only:
quantal/2013-Aug-14 05:25:25 -  Directory
raring/2013-Aug-25 23:36:11-  Directory
sid/2013-Sep-28 00:27:46-  Directory
wheezy/2012-Jul-14 16:03:54-  Directory


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