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Re: ProjectCenter running or building

From: Johannes Brakensiek
Subject: Re: ProjectCenter running or building
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2020 11:40:17 +0100

Hi Riccardo,

On 6 Jan 2020, at 10:26, Riccaro Mottola wrote:

I can confirm this issue using the 2.0 runtime. LogPanel is not loaded. I don’t know if it is the same issue, but the inspectors of GWorkspace (being
bundles as well I think) do not work using 2.0 runtime as well.

Just for information. On my OpenBSD setup I am running now clang + liobjc2 (latest git) and of course ng-gnu-gnu.
I do not have issues with ProjectCenter, it loads the log panel fine.
Also GWorkspace loads inspector bundles correctly and I can view PDF files fine (which is the most critical of the content inspector, PDFKit having a C++ Bridge).

PDFKit is latest SVN head and currently in  "test".

thank you for getting into this. It might be Patryk already asked the right questions. Because if you use the standard setup of GNUstep make and/or the libobjc2 v1.8 release tarball it is quite likey that you set up the older „ng“ GNUstep runtime versioned 1.x.

So regarding your list of possible setups it should look be a little bit extended regarding options 4a and 4b afaik:

4a) clang + libobjc2 and make configured ng-gnu-gnu and set RUNTIME_VERSION=gnustep-1.9 (or 1.x). This one will build using older version of clang and is known to work with various linkers.

You’ll find a reference setup here: https://github.com/plaurent/gnustep-build/blob/master/ubuntu-16.04-clang-6.0-runtime-1.9/GNUstep-buildon-ubuntu1604.sh (note clang 6 and RUNTIME_VERSION. We even did a checkout of the 1.9 tag even though I don’t know if this is necessary.)

4b) clang + libobjc and make configured ng-gnu-gnu, using master from GitHub and RUNTIME_VERSION=gnustep-2.0. This one is the new and cleaner version of the ng runtime David wrote at the end of 2018. Afaik it will only build and run using clang >= 8 and it will not run when linked using bdf or lld.

You’ll find a reference setup here: https://github.com/plaurent/gnustep-build/blob/master/ubuntu-19.04-clang-8.0-runtime-2.0/GNUstep-buildon-ubuntu1904.sh (note clang 8, RUNTIME_VERSION and the use of ld.gold).

If I use setup 4a everything works without issues. The issues Patryk and I were talking about appear using setup 4b.

Maybe you can check your setup against these instruction and see if you can reproduce our setup/issues?

Thank you and good luck

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