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[DMCA-Activists] Senate Votes to Undo FCC Rules

From: Seth Johnson
Subject: [DMCA-Activists] Senate Votes to Undo FCC Rules
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 17:12:44 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: "The Newspaper Guild" <address@hidden>
Date: 16 Sep 2003 20:35:10 -0000
Subject: Senate Votes to Undo FCC Rules

This is being sent to Guild activists. 

The Senate today voted 55 to 40 to approve a measure that would undo 
all the media ownership rules adopted by the Federal Communications 
Commission on June 2. Several Republicans were included in the 55 
majority, including Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) who co-sponsored the 
resolution along with Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.). The rules, if 
enacted, would allow for more consolidation of media ownership both in 
national and local markets. The Senate resolution still must be passed 
by the House and signed by the President (who has threatened a veto) 
before the rules could be vacated. A federal appeals court in 
Philadelphia earlier this month stayed implementation of the new rules 
pending the outcome of a suit challenging their validity. 

For more information, go to and click on Extra 

Attached is a list of how the Senators voted. Thanks to all who let 
their Senator know their views on this issue. We now must turn our 
focus to the House of Representatives.

Final note to Guild-CWA members: CWA Legislative Rep. Alfonso Pollard 
and the entire CWA Legislative Department worked tirelessly to get 
this done. It was a great effort. 


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Attachment: Senate Vote on SJ 17.DOC
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