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[eLyXer-users] Re: elyxer requests

From: Sam Liddicott
Subject: [eLyXer-users] Re: elyxer requests
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:05:12 -0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

* Alex Fernandez wrote, On 20/01/10 22:58:
Hi Sam,

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Sam Liddicott <address@hidden> wrote:
Elyxer is great.


I've used it to generate some great looking html for my lyx literate
programming tool at:
(git site: http://repo.or.cz/w/newfangle.git)

I have a few requests...

Sure, but from now on please make your requests to the eLyXer users
mailing list (in CC). Many LyX developers understandably do not want
to be bothered with details about an external package. I am leaving
lyx-devel for this message, but in any follow-ups please remove it.
For those of you who don't care about eLyXer please ignore the rest.

1. Please could elyxer support alternate character encodings besides utf-8?
repo.or.cz insists on serving as ISO-8859-1.
It would be better for elyxer to pick the replacement, for in a listing an
underscore where a visible space was shown is going to cut-n-paste wrong as
well as look wrong.

I can add a menu option without too much trouble.


There are also some Lyx specially matched sequences, such as:
--- which is an emdash
LyX which is a funny Lyx
LaTeX which is a funny Latex

there may be others

4. Are listings able to show line numberings? There ought to be a separate
line number counter for each named listing, and the counters resume next
time a listing of the same name appears. This point could have more
discussion as I also hope elyxer will support the chunk command used by my
literate programming module.

They are able indeed to show line numberings, but numbers do not
resume as you want. Also, I don't know what the chunk command should
do. Could you send a sample for each of these cases (the .lyx file is
enough) to me directly?


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