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Re: number-sequence

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: number-sequence
Date: 20 Nov 2003 11:39:19 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

Luc Teirlinck <address@hidden> writes:

> ===File ~/number-sequence.el================================
> (defun number-sequence (from &optional to inc)
>   "Return a sequence of numbers from FROM to TO (both inclusive) as a list.

TO is only inclusive if there is an N for which TO = FROM + N * INC.

> INC is the increment used between numbers in the sequence.
> So, the Nth element of the list is (+ FROM (* N INC)) where N counts from
> zero.
> If INC is nil, it defaults to 1 (one).
> If TO is nil or numerically equal to FROM, return (FROM).
> If INC is positive and TO is less than FROM, or INC is negative
> and TO is larger than FROM, return nil.
> If INC is zero and TO is neither nil nor numerically equal to
> FROM, signal an error.
> Note that FROM, TO and INC can be integer or float."
>   (if (or (not to) (= from to))
>       (list from)
>     (or inc (setq inc 1))
>     (when (zerop inc) (error "The increment can not be zero"))
>     (let (seq)
>       (if (> inc 0)
>         (while (<= from to)
>           (setq seq (cons from seq)
>                 from (+ from inc)))
>       (while (>= from to)
>         (setq seq (cons from seq)
>               from (+ from inc))))

When we are using floats here, there is a risk of accumulating errors,
and thus not getting the exact TO value into the list.  

This could be better (but marginally slower):

    (let (seq (n 0) (next from))
      (if (> inc 0)
          (while (<= next to)
            (setq seq (cons next seq)
                  n (1+ n)
                  next (+ from (* inc n))))
        (while (>= next to)
          (setq seq (cons next seq)
                n (1+ n)
                next (+ from (* inc n))))

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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