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Re: when to bind *down-mouse* vs *mouse*?

From: Jan D.
Subject: Re: when to bind *down-mouse* vs *mouse*?
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 22:42:16 +0100

When the action creates a popup menu, I think we want to bind it to
the mouse-down event.  I seem to situations where the menu would
disappear as soon as you released the mouse.  If you released the
mouse on a menu item, that menu item has been "chosen" by the user.

I do not agree on this. The reason we do not agree is perhaps that I am
using MS Windows and you are not (I do not know what you are using)? On MS Windows I believe it is standard that CLICKING mouse 2 brings up a popup menu (if there is any). You can then use the keyboard or the mouse to choose
from this menu.

My impression of this "standard" is that it is good because you do not have to use the mouse very much, which can be difficult for some people and for some other is an unnecessary burden and a hazard. I believe that this could
be a reason for the choice MS has made here.

FWIW, the standard behaviour for X toolkits is that if the mouse down, mouse up happens within a certain time, the menu stays up and you can navigate it with keys and/or mouse. That way you get the best of both behaviours.

        Jan D.

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