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File modes facilities.

From: Michael Cadilhac
Subject: File modes facilities.
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 22:09:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

  I don't know any  way to change the modes of a  file, or even of the
  current file, within emacs.

  As I  chmod quite often, and  especially the file I  work with, I've
  made up a small package that implements facilities for that.

  The main functions are :
  - file-modes-to-number: Convert "a=rwx,a+r,go-x,u+s,a+t" to 3574
    (06766), "777" to 511 (0777) and 511 to 511.
  - buffer-file-modes: Return the file modes of the file visited by a
    buffer or the default modes.
  - set-current-file-modes: Set the modes of the file currently
  - chmod: Change the mode of any file.

  If you're  interested in this module,  feel free to  do whatever you
  want with it :-)

  Any comment appreciated !

  Code attached.

Attachment: change-modes.el
Description: Change Modes Package

    Michael Cadilhac, a.k.a. Micha [mika] |
                    Epita/LRDE promo 2007 |  Please note that you should
  2 rue de la Convention | |  s/address@hidden/@/ my mail 
94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre | |

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