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Re: display-mm-width return value off on Windows

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: display-mm-width return value off on Windows
Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 11:31:59 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060516)

Jason Rumney skrev:
Lennart Borgman <address@hidden> writes:

Is there any reason to believe the result should be correct? As I
pointed out in a previous message the information does not seem to be
available to the display driver.

Built in LCDs in notebooks and LCD panels connected via digital
connectors are able to report details about the monitor back to the
video drivers/OS, though I am not sure whether manufacturers always
report accurate information, or whether Windows uses the information.

Monitors connected via analog connectors are not able to report this
information, and Windows seems to always guess 320 as the width, and
the height is reported as consistent with the width:height ratio
assuming square pixels.

Monitors with analog connectors can report EDID, but I don't know if width/height is in EDID. My analog connected monitor reports incorrect EDID all the time (i.e. wrong hsync freq).

        Jan D.

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