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Re: Adding ispell-multi.el and friends to Emacs

From: Peter Heslin
Subject: Re: Adding ispell-multi.el and friends to Emacs
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 00:11:59 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)

Juri Linkov <address@hidden> writes:

>>> > I think it should be the default.  Most users won't make real use of
>>> > more than one dictionary, so they won't lose anything.  Those that do
>>> > should get the benefit of this.
>>> I think almost everyone whose native language isn't English does make
>>> use of more than one dictionary...
>> But usually not at the same time.
> Spell-checking of mixed multi-language texts is not a rare need.
> How well does ispell-multi.el deal with this?  Can it detect different
> languages in the same buffer and check them with different ispell
> dictionaries? 

Yes, but only for flyspell (this is exactly what flyspell-babel and
flyspell-xml-lang do).  Flyspell provides a hook it calls before
spell-checking each word, which makes it easy ensure the correct
dictionary for each word in the buffer.

I don't use ispell on its own, so I did not look previously into what it
would take to add this feature to ispell-buffer and friends. I have
taken a quick look now at ispell.el and it seems that ispell-buffer
sends the text of the buffer to the ispell process one line at a time.
This design makes it impossible to switch language in mid-line.

Perhaps it would be a simple change to modify ispell-process-line so
that it loops over the words in a line and sends each one to ispell
individually, switching processes if the language has changed.  Or it
might be hairy to change that function -- I don't know the code well
enough to guess what the complications might be.


Peter Heslin (http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin)

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