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font-show-log facility

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: font-show-log facility
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 16:24:00 +0900
User-agent: SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/23.0.60 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)

In article <address@hidden>, David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:

> > I just followed what Emacs does for buffer-undo-list; nil
> > for start new recording, t for not recording.

> I find it perfectly reasonable.  "nil" does not mean "don't log the
> fonts" but rather "the font-log contains nothing yet".  As you say: just
> like buffer-undo-list.

> If one can think up a good name ending with "-list", that would probably
> help a bit.  I am not sure it is worth the trouble, though.  It is not
> like this is exactly a user-accessible variable that people will change
> and customize all the time.

I'm now thinking about producing log only for a specific
character so that people can more easily find why that
character is shown by a specific font (or not shown).  For
that, perhaps I must change the current font-log to
font-log-list, and make font-log to control what kind of log
to produce as below:

    t: all log
  nil: suppresss logging
 char: log for that character
 list: for instance, `(open close)' logs only opening and closing

Another improvement is for font-show-log (in mule-diag.el).
Currently a list of each entry is truncated to at most 20
items.  It will be good to use text property to record the
truncated items on "..." and make it clickable to see all
the items.

Unfortunately I don't have a time to work on them at the
moment.  :-(

Kenichi Handa

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