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Re: Rmail-mbox branch

From: Paul Michael Reilly
Subject: Re: Rmail-mbox branch
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 15:39:31 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080723)

Chong Yidong wrote:
Paul Michael Reilly <address@hidden> writes:

The pmail*.el and related files I created are temporary and pretty
much only committed to the trunk as a convenience to make Rmail/mbox
testable without having to use a branch so I didn't create a ChangeLog
for these files.

After I work out with the maintainers when to inflict Rmail/mbox on
all Users, the ChangeLog will be created.

Is there any reason not to inflict it *now*?

Only that there will very likely be a raft of messages to the affect
of "What the fuck happened to Rmail..."  My oft stated opinion is that
we should commit the Rmail/mbox code immediately after a release thus
giving us the maximum amount of time to fix Rmail/mbox bugs.
Admittedly Rmail/mbox has been less buggy than I had expected it would
be in the week or so that I've been using it.  Richard has found a
couple of bugs, as have I, one of which was the same bug.  So for me
the answer to your question depends on when the next release of Emacs
is targeted.  If it is imminent, like in weeks or a few months, then I
would advise waiting.  If it won't happen for many months, then now is
as good a time as any.

The only area I know is incomplete is confirming that spam filtering
is up to date.  I think it is but there is a few commits to
Rmail/babyl that I'm not sure are relevant to Rmail/mbox.

Also, there is one suggestion that Richard made that will facilitate
automatic conversion of Babyl formatted file to mbox format.  This one
should probably be completed before we make the switch.

Hope that helps,


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