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Re: Emacs 23.0 is much slower starting than Emacs 22.3

From: David De La Harpe Golden
Subject: Re: Emacs 23.0 is much slower starting than Emacs 22.3
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 17:45:09 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20081018)

Lennart Borgman wrote:
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> wrote:
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 01:54:06 +0200
From: "Lennart Borgman" <address@hidden>
Cc: "Eli Zaretskii" <address@hidden>, address@hidden, address@hidden,

  Timing insert-file-contents-literally:
  Elapsed time: 8.375000s (0.187000s in 1 GCs)
  Timing insert-file-contents:
  Elapsed time: 14.297000s (0.312000s in 2 GCs)
  Timing file-attributes:
  Elapsed time: 5.890000s (0.156000s in 1 GCs)
  Timing file-exists-p:
  Elapsed time: 6.672000s (0.125000s in 1 GCs)
  Timing file-modes:
  Elapsed time: 5.609000s (0.188000s in 1 GCs)
Thanks, but what does this mean?  What is behind a line such as

Here is the code again, a little bit enhanced:

FWIW, ran your code on my debian/unstable amd64 system using linux kernel 2.6.26 (though using /usr/local/src/emacs/lisp rather than c:«blah» for obvious reasons), results below (no gc or function stubbing tweaks). The file attributes are a w32-specific problem I guess - are (a) about 40x faster than your w32 emacs23 and (b) similar between emacs22/23 (actually slightly faster with 23 in the test runs, but that could just be the GC and general noise).

OTOH the normal-mode call is noticeably slower for emacs23 (though
not as pronounced as on your w32 - of course, the emacs23 normal-mode code path includes more file attribute usage due to the .dir.settings.el stuff...)

Emacs 22:
======================= After cache warm up
Timing insert-file-contents-literally:
Elapsed time: 0.403781s (0.031159s in 1 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.433654s (0.061884s in 2 GCs)
Timing insert-file-contents:
Elapsed time: 1.073601s (0.127081s in 4 GCs)
Elapsed time: 1.066970s (0.125150s in 4 GCs)
Timing file-attributes:
Elapsed time: 0.099218s (0.031007s in 1 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.131247s (0.062046s in 2 GCs)
Timing file-exists-p:
Elapsed time: 0.132959s (0.062106s in 2 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.101442s (0.031064s in 1 GCs)
Timing file-modes:
Elapsed time: 0.133818s (0.062778s in 2 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.101579s (0.031122s in 1 GCs)
Timing normal-mode:
Elapsed time: 0.176703s (0.062539s in 2 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.257191s (0.065307s in 2 GCs)

Emacs 23:
======================= After cache warm up
Timing insert-file-contents-literally:
Elapsed time: 0.296811s (0.052762s in 1 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.293286s (0.051887s in 1 GCs)
Timing insert-file-contents:
Elapsed time: 1.183911s (0.160524s in 3 GCs)
Elapsed time: 1.179618s (0.161070s in 3 GCs)
Timing file-attributes:
Elapsed time: 0.092713s (0.052083s in 1 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.092785s (0.051292s in 1 GCs)
Timing file-exists-p:
Elapsed time: 0.094927s (0.051904s in 1 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.095253s (0.051449s in 1 GCs)
Timing file-modes:
Elapsed time: 0.096032s (0.052696s in 1 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.094715s (0.051999s in 1 GCs)
Timing normal-mode:
Elapsed time: 0.245259s (0.104135s in 2 GCs)
Elapsed time: 0.390639s (0.107556s in 2 GCs)

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