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RE: delete-selection-mode

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: delete-selection-mode
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 08:15:26 -0700

>     _All_ types of visible selection should be the same, 
>     including t-m-m (C-SPC + movement) selections, to the
>     greatest extent possible.
>     Having multiple "types" of selection that are
>     sorta-the-same-but-sorta-different is just going to make 
>     Emacs harder to use for everybody, and harder to learn
>     for beginners.
> We have multiple "types" of selection now, which behave differently
> in regard to DEL.

Yes, and that's a defect that Miles (I think - I, at least) would like to get
rid of. And certainly not add to.

> Is there any empirical sign that this makes Emacs
> harder to use -- for anyone?  Or harder to learn -- for anyone?

Empirical studies that demonstrate that? Dunno. I certainly haven't researched
it, myself. Have you? Any empirical indication that it does *not* make life more
difficult? Just because people get by with the feature and don't complain
doesn't mean that it is a blessing.

While waiting for empirical evidence (either way), it makes sense logically, no?
More things to deal with, to understand, to figure out, to manipulate. Makes
sense that that doesn't make things any easier.

 - Occam

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