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RE: please review bug #13141

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: please review bug #13141
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 07:10:45 -0800

> > Users do not _need_ to bother with `send-mail-function', 
> > `sendmail-query-once', automatic saving of customized values,
> > or any of the rest.
> Yes, they can just use C-c m to copy text to their preferred 
> mail program.

The point is that the `report-emacs-bug' instructions do not even mention

That is the most important piece of info for the instructions to mention.  It is
the ultimate aim of `report-emacs-bug'.  The address is even more important than
the guidelines about what information to send.

> > And we neglect to simply mention the simpler case at all:
> > just send an email to address@hidden  (We mention that
> > possibility in the manual, but not in the `report-emacs-bug'
> > instructions.)
> The instructions in `report-emacs-bug' are:...

I'm aware that the instructions have a cross ref to the manual.  That's not the
same thing as the instructions telling users they can just send an email to

> I think many users (including new users) will see the Info, 
> although some of them will not read it from the beginning to the end.

And even in the manual we do not communicate the message very clearly.  We first
tell them to use C-c C-c and Emacs will send the report to
address@hidden'.  Only afterward do we tell them they can send mail
outside Emacs etc.

The presentation in the doc is FIRST in terms of `C-c C-c' plus automatic
sending and THEN, as a backup, `C-c m' plus mail client "(if your system
supports it...)".

This is backward.  We should start by saying clearly that all you have to do is
send an email to address@hidden  THEN we can mention `C-c m' "(if your
system supports it...)".  And THEN we can mention `C-c C-c' and the fact that
Emacs will do it all for you, provided it is configured for that.

BTW, the key `C-c m' was unwisely introduced in Emacs 24.1, presumably by
someone who has not read, or has forgotten, that this key is reserved for users.
Unfortunately, this bug was not caught in any review.  I filed bug #13510 for it
a few days ago.

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