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Re: Patch queue management systems

From: Steinar Bang
Subject: Re: Patch queue management systems
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:38:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.3 (windows-nt)

>>>>> Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>:

SB> If that repository resides on the same server and is created with
SB> hardlinks to the real repo, it should also be cheap disk-usage-wise,
SB> at least initially....)

> Eh.

 cd /wherever/the/emacs/repo/lives
 git clone --mirror ./emacs.git ./emacs-feature-branches.git

If the git used is reasonably new, then all of the known-by-hash objects
in the new repository will be hardlinks to the original repo (which is
safe since these will never change).

So the new repository will initially use very little space on disk (all
history from the time of cloning will use the same inodes as the
original repository).

But as times goes and the emacs-feature-branches repo is filled by
clutter, the space usage of the feature branches repository will

Of course an easy way of doing housecleaning here, would be:
 cd /wherever/the/emacs/repo/lives
 rm -rf emacs-feature-branches.git
 git clone --mirror ./emacs.git ./emacs-feature-branches.git
and then let people repush their feature branches.

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