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Re: progmodes/project.el and search paths

From: David Engster
Subject: Re: progmodes/project.el and search paths
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 10:13:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier writes:
>>> So the API is designed as a kind of "intersection (rather than union) of
>>> all possible project systems".
>> That intersection is tiny.
> Do you find this to be a problem?  If so, why?

It's a very limited view of a project, so other packages who want to
work on a project cannot depend on much information unless they ask one
backend directly.

> This is not meant to replace/reimplement EDE, but only to provide
> a common API between different systems, EDE being hopefully one of them.

OK. Let's see how it evolves.


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