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Re: Merging the xwidget branch

From: joakim
Subject: Re: Merging the xwidget branch
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2016 21:03:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:

>> From: address@hidden
>> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 20:43:37 +0100
>> Cc: address@hidden
>> Wolfgang Jenkner <address@hidden> writes:
>> > On Sat, Jan 09 2016, address@hidden wrote:
>> >
>> >> - xwidget_mvp is the branch we are talking about. I updated it recently
>> >> from master
>> >
>> > And there were merges from master before that.  Perhaps I'm missing
>> > something but doesn't that pretty much preclude merging xwidget_mpv into
>> > emacs-25?
>> I will have to rework the patch on top of emacs-25 instead. 
> How is that going?  We should have this on emacs-25 before the first
> pretest, otherwise it will have to wait for the next release, which
> IMO would be a shame.
> If you need any help, just ask.
> Thanks.

I have made a patch to be applied to emacs-25.

Basically I just made a diff between master and xwidget_mvp, and ignored
whitespace diffs. To test it I applied it to emacs-25 using patch. It
applied cleanly, except for a trivial rejected hunk in keyboard.c, which
I fixed in the patch. I then retested.

I tried building withouth xwidget enabled, and with.

Could you help with applying the patch, or otherwise state how we should 

Joakim Verona

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