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Very happy with emacs-25 so far

From: John Wiegley
Subject: Very happy with emacs-25 so far
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 15:28:42 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.0.92 (darwin)

Hi guys,

I just wanted to say that this release is shaping up quite nicely. I've
switched to 25.0.92 as my "primary" Emacs on OS X since several days, and I'm
liking the new features.

Also, the Nextstep port seems to have progressed, since I'm experiencing none
of the speed issues that drove me to "Mac port" in the past.

So, just a quick note to say, great job! I'm looking forward to getting 25.1
release ready.

John Wiegley                  GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F
http://newartisans.com                          60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2

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