John Wiegley <address@hidden> writes:
Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:
You make excellent points, Eli.
Phillip, I'm sorry to give you the go ahead and then turn it around, but I
can't ignore Eli's wise counsel on this point.
Can one of you please revert this for emacs-25? (I'm traveling at the moment).
After, let's discuss which menu options we might want to change and why, so
that others have more of a chance to chime in. Although there was a mini-
consensus on "New File", maybe we didn't give it enough time.
I am happy to do a broad overview of the menu items if you wish, for
either Emacs 25.1 or 26. There are some other oddities that leap to mind
some which probably can't be fixed (window and frame manipulation inder
"file") but also some that can (some of "Options" are selected by
default, and "Highlight Region" can probably go, for starters).
I wonder if we need some way of writing an "RFC" -- I would rather write
a document about this, take and incorporate comments, then implement
from the document, rather than discuss it here, then try to remember
what everyone said, or stitch it together from the mailing list
Perhaps some org-files in an orphan branch in the repo?