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Re: Provide rsync access to GNU ELPA for mirroring it

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: Provide rsync access to GNU ELPA for mirroring it
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 22:45:13 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

>> Is there a reason to not build the packets locally, instead of
>> downloading them all from ELPA?
> Good point, actually I never think about this way before, maybe this
> is a good way for Gnu ELPA. git access to savannah is very slow (< 50
> KiB/s) and unreliable here, I will try this way after (if) git-clone
> is done. Also, I am not sure if building locally can keep old versions
> of packages like GNU ELPA.

No, indeed, the current build scripts won't always generate the same
packages: it depends on when they're run.

> Anyway, I still think rsync is the best way to mirror.

Agreed.  I'll see if I find the time to setup a read-only rsync access.
I'm sure it's not too complicated, but if someone can provide me the
typical steps and a sample config file (on a Debian machine) it would
probably nudge me towards doing it more quickly.


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