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Re: [ELPA] New package: disk-usage

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: [ELPA] New package: disk-usage
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 12:59:53 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Pierre Neidhardt <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Pierre,

> I've released 1.2.0.

Thanks. I needed to apply the following patch to make it work on remote
systems. In my local environment, I could test it on "/sudo::"; it makes
a difference because "/root" is readable only for user "root".

*** /home/albinus/.emacs.d/elpa/disk-usage-1.2.0/disk-usage.el.~1~      
2019-02-26 11:50:08.976859553 +0100
--- /home/albinus/.emacs.d/elpa/disk-usage-1.2.0/disk-usage.el  2019-02-26 
12:21:11.661869542 +0100
*** 290,298 ****
    "This is the equivalent of running the shell command
  $ find . -type f -exec du -sb {} +"
    (setq directory (or directory default-directory))
!   (let ((pair-strings (split-string (with-temp-buffer
                             (process-file disk-usage--find-command nil '(t 
nil) nil
!                                          directory
                                           "-type" "f"
--- 290,299 ----
    "This is the equivalent of running the shell command
  $ find . -type f -exec du -sb {} +"
    (setq directory (or directory default-directory))
!   (let* ((default-directory directory)
!        (pair-strings (split-string (with-temp-buffer
                             (process-file disk-usage--find-command nil '(t 
nil) nil
!                                          (file-local-name directory)
                                           "-type" "f"
*** 301,307 ****
                                      "\n" 'omit-nulls)))
      (cl-loop for pair-string in pair-strings
               for pair = (split-string pair-string "\t")
!              for name = (cadr pair)
               for attributes = (file-attributes name)
               when (cl-loop for filter in disk-usage-filters
                             always (funcall filter name attributes))
--- 302,308 ----
                                      "\n" 'omit-nulls)))
      (cl-loop for pair-string in pair-strings
               for pair = (split-string pair-string "\t")
!              for name = (concat (file-remote-p directory) (cadr pair))
               for attributes = (file-attributes name)
               when (cl-loop for filter in disk-usage-filters
                             always (funcall filter name attributes))
*** 351,357 ****
           (process-file disk-usage--du-command
                         nil '(t nil) nil
!                        disk-usage--du-args path))
  (defun disk-usage--sort-by-size (a b)
--- 352,358 ----
           (process-file disk-usage--du-command
                         nil '(t nil) nil
!                        disk-usage--du-args (file-local-name path)))
  (defun disk-usage--sort-by-size (a b)
There are further things to be improved:

* In `disk-usage--list-recursively', you make a loop over

             for attributes = (file-attributes name)

  This is slow, at least on remote systems, because you apply
  `file-attributes' on every file on a possibly large list. Maybe you
  could call `directory-files-and-attributes' per directory, instead.
* As said before, the commands you apply might vary on different
  hosts. For example, on my QNAP NAS server, getting du info on "/tmp"
  with "find /tmp -type f -exec du -sb \{\} \+" does not work. It must
  be "find /tmp -type f | xargs du -sb" instead. So the commands must be
  configurable per host. See for example, how `grep-host-defaults-alist'
  is computed via `grep-compute-defaults' in grep.el.
Best regards, Michael.

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