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Re: [PATCH] Support "\n" in icomplete-separator

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Support "\n" in icomplete-separator
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 13:36:41 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

In fact, the entire width issue is not very important: it is just a sign I used to demonstrate that we have a specialized GUI widget here, whereas the Emacs features that try to emulate that don't use any such GUI widgets.

I fear I'll repeat myself, but I don't understand why you think that displaying completions vertically is trying to emulate the combo-like vertical list widget. For me it's doing something similar (but not identical) in a different (and more efficient) way.

No, it's the fact that we use a window that displays a buffer, and not a vertical list widget.

I believe it is clear for you, but FWIW, I wouln't use such a vertical list widget. The way I want to interact with Emacs in the minibuffer is much closer to a command shell than to a GUI app.

Perhaps it would make sense to make a poll to see what GUI widgets Emacs users would want to have, or whether Emacs users would want such a widget in this case.

No, I mean what would happen if we displayed a menu simulation by showing menu items one below the other in a buffer, instead of using the toolkit menus, or even instead of the TTY menus we have nowadays.

Okay, now I see what you mean. Indeed doing this for menus would not make sense / would be ugly. But of course the essential difference here is that menus are not meant to be used with a keyboard, while opening a file or switching from a buffer to another or calling an Emacs command with the minibuffer is meant to be done with the keyboard.

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