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Re: Introducing emacs-webkit and more thoughts on Emacs rendering (was R

From: Akira Kyle
Subject: Re: Introducing emacs-webkit and more thoughts on Emacs rendering (was Rethinking the design of xwidgets)
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 20:33:49 -0700
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 28.0.50

On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 02:39 AM, Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org> wrote:

This is great news -- the demo looks awesome.


Just a couple of comments (without having actually tried it or even
looked at the code):

One thing I hoped to do with the in-tree xwidget code was to use it in eww to display media types Emacs doesn't support -- primarily .mp4 <video> elements (and youtube videos, for those who doesn't find that abhorrent). I poked at it for a bit, but the current code is very much tied to the xwidgets mode owning the buffer, and I haven't yet had the
stamina to fix that.

Is this easier with your package? That is, the ability to plop in an
arbitrary number of widgets into any buffer?

Possibly, but I'm not sure it would be wise to try. I originally started with the current xwidget code, which does support such capabilities. However, I found what I think are fundamental conceptual incompatibilities with the way Emacs' redisplay and gtk's event loop want to handle drawing stuff to the screen. Thus I feel like the only sane way to mix the two is to allow gtk to just take over an Emacs window which is always rectangular. No need to worry about scrolling and all the redisplay optimizations that will try to interfere with gtk attempting to draw at some point in the buffer. Even then Emacs and gtk don't play very nicely when it comes to grabbing keyboard and mouse input. Not to mention the fundamental differences in UI paradigms between Emacs being primarily textual and gtk with it's eye candy interfaces. Is it really so wise to try to mix the two?

Thus the second half of my previous email where I speculated about ways to move the fundamental ways Emacs does rendering forward. I think if Emacs had an open gl surface it was drawing to, it could handle rendering more intense graphical sources such as from a video. It will take a lot of work to get there, but I can't imagine another way that wont feel at least somewhat hacky to render something as graphically intensive like a video in a buffer.

The other thing I'm wondering about is the (pure) reliance of Cairo (if I understood you correctly). It seems like Cairo development is slowing down as many projects have started using Skia instead. Emacs supports a number of graphics backends for a reason -- they pop up, last a few years, and then they die off, and there's no reason to believe that Cairo is going to be the One True Toolkit. Toolkits come and go; Emacs
is forever.  :-)

I think the death of Cairo has been greatly exaggerated :) The recent hacker news post about it brought up some good points about this expectation that projects have daily commits for it to be considered "alive". I don't see Cairo going anywhere for awhile, at least so long as projects like gtk and gnome rely on it. Also I wouldn't characterize Cairo as a "toolkit" at least in the sense that gtk is a toolkit or motif is a toolkit. Cairo is more like a nice graphics api, and the thing I've come to realize about nice api's is they tend to stick around in one form or another (kind of like emacs has).

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